A wrapper to googledrive functions to extract information on contents of a specific COVID-19 Data Drop Google Drive directory

ph_gdrive_files(version = "current", date = NULL)



A character value specifying whether to get the most currently available dataset ("current") or to get archive data ("archive"). Default to "current"


Date in <YYYY-MM-DD> format; This is the date up to which extracted data reports to. Only used when version is set to "archive" otherwise ignored.


A tibble containing information on the various files in a specified COVID-19 Data Drop Google Drive directory


#> Getting information on Google Drive directory structure of the DoH Data Drop for latest available data up to 2020-06-23.
#> # A tibble: 9 x 3 #> name id drive_resource #> * <chr> <chr> <list> #> 1 01 READ ME FIRST (06_23).pdf 1oCHQ_152reeScGt3qA… <named list [3… #> 2 DOH Data Drop 20200623 - Changelog.xlsx 1CRShtzBwd6E00iaIXT… <named list [3… #> 3 DOH Data Drop 20200623.xlsx 1b8GV67Y8TuzCmHg5Mk… <named list [3… #> 4 DOH COVID Data Drop_ 20200623 - 07 Testi… 1RlEj5sKJisZRrNUyFX… <named list [3… #> 5 DOH COVID Data Drop_ 20200623 - 06 DOH D… 1hc9CUV4vZZmfYx-mVj… <named list [3… #> 6 DOH COVID Data Drop_ 20200623 - 05 DOH D… 1iuosQYl3A4vo1h-HMi… <named list [3… #> 7 DOH COVID Data Drop_ 20200623 - 04 Case … 1EidxRgaz9Uz_dGuUdX… <named list [3… #> 8 DOH COVID Data Drop_ 20200623 - 03 Metad… 1BTuDkYqn-zOygDeAwO… <named list [3… #> 9 DOH COVID Data Drop_ 20200623 - 02 Metad… 1aD0-RG5FhTw_4cE7Xh… <named list [3