A wrapper to googledrive and googlesheets4 functions to pull data from the Philppines' COVID-19 Data Drop resource that is publicly distributed via Google Drive

ph_get_cases(version = "current", date = NULL)



A character value specifying whether to get the most currently available dataset ("current") or to get archive data ("archive"). Default to "current"


Date in <YYYY-MM-DD> format; This is the date up to which extracted data reports to. Only used when version is set to "archive" otherwise ignored.


A tibble of case information on confirmed COVID-19 cases distributed via the COVID-19 Data Drop


#> Getting information on Google Drive directory structure of the DoH Data Drop for latest available data up to 2020-06-23.
#> # A tibble: 31,825 x 21 #> CaseCode Age AgeGroup Sex DateSpecimen DateResultRelea… DateRepConf #> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 C896932 30 30 to 34 Fema… 2020-06-14 "" 2020-06-19 #> 2 C679761 29 25 to 29 Fema… 2020-06-14 "2020-06-16" 2020-06-19 #> 3 C345251 38 35 to 39 Fema… 2020-06-11 "2020-06-16" 2020-06-19 #> 4 C685818 25 25 to 29 Fema… 2020-06-14 "2020-06-16" 2020-06-19 #> 5 C629593 26 25 to 29 Male 2020-06-15 "2020-06-17" 2020-06-19 #> 6 C222820 48 45 to 49 Male 2020-06-15 "2020-06-17" 2020-06-19 #> 7 C228086 31 30 to 34 Fema… 2020-06-09 "2020-06-11" 2020-06-19 #> 8 C686978 27 25 to 29 Male 2020-06-14 "2020-06-16" 2020-06-19 #> 9 C730849 34 30 to 34 Male 2020-06-14 "2020-06-16" 2020-06-19 #> 10 C565692 33 30 to 34 Fema… 2020-06-15 "2020-06-17" 2020-06-19 #> # … with 31,815 more rows, and 14 more variables: DateDied <chr>, #> # DateRecover <chr>, RemovalType <chr>, DateRepRem <chr>, Admitted <chr>, #> # RegionRes <chr>, ProvRes <chr>, CityMunRes <chr>, CityMuniPSGC <chr>, #> # HealthStatus <chr>, Quarantined <chr>, DateOnset <chr>, Pregnanttab <chr>, #> # ValidationStatus <chr>