Get time series stringency index data from JSON




A JSON string, URL or file created using get_json_time()


A tibble of time series stringency index data


x <- get_json_time(from = "2020-07-18", to = "2020-07-20")

#> # A tibble: 555 × 9
#>    date_value country_code country_name        confirmed deaths stringency_actu…
#>    <date>     <chr>        <chr>                   <int>  <int>            <dbl>
#>  1 2020-07-18 FIN          Finland                  7358    309             35.2
#>  2 2020-07-18 DNK          Denmark                 13173    611             57.4
#>  3 2020-07-18 LBN          Lebanon                  2775     40             68.5
#>  4 2020-07-18 GUY          Guyana                    327     19             77.3
#>  5 2020-07-18 PSE          Palestinian Territ…      8204     59             83.3
#>  6 2020-07-18 AFG          Afghanistan             35375   1151             78.7
#>  7 2020-07-18 SVK          Slovakia                 1976     28             38.9
#>  8 2020-07-18 VEN          Venezuela               11483    110             87.0
#>  9 2020-07-18 HKG          Hong Kong SAR China      1777     12             66.7
#> 10 2020-07-18 VNM          Vietnam                   382      0             55.6
#> # … with 545 more rows, and 3 more variables: stringency <dbl>,
#> #   stringency_legacy <dbl>, stringency_legacy_disp <dbl>