Data structures for OxCOVID19 Database



A named list of 6 tibbles of data structures for OxCOVID19 Database

Table nameDescription
epidemiologyTibble of description of fields for epidemiology table
government_responseTibble of description of fields for government response table
country_statisticsTibble of description for fields for country statistics table
mobilityTibble of description for fields for mobility table
weatherTibble of description for fields for weather table
administrative_divisionTibble of description for fields for administrative division table



#> $epidemiology #> # A tibble: 15 x 3 #> Name `Data type` Description #> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 SOURCE VARCHAR Data source #> 2 DATE DATE Day of the statistics #> 3 GID ARRAY Unique geographical ID, for more details see GADM #> 4 COUNTRY VARCHAR English name for the country #> 5 COUNTRYCODE VARCHAR(3) ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes #> 6 ADM_AREA_1 VARCHAR First-level administrative country subdivision #> 7 ADM_AREA_2 VARCHAR Second-level administrative country subdivision #> 8 ADM_AREA_3 VARCHAR Third-level administrative country subdivision #> 9 TESTED INT Number of people tested [cumulative] #> 10 CONFIRMED INT Number of confirmed cases [cumulative] #> 11 DEAD INT Number of deaths [cumulative] #> 12 RECOVERED INT Number of confirmed who recovered [cumulative] #> 13 HOSPITALISED INT Number of confirmed who are/have been hospitalised… #> 14 HOSPITALISED… INT Number of confirmed who are/have been in the inten… #> 15 QUARANTINED INT Number of confirmed with home quarantine [cumulati… #> #> $government_response #> # A tibble: 47 x 3 #> Name `Data type` Description #> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 SOURCE VARCHAR Data source #> 2 DATE DATE Day of the statistics #> 3 GID ARRAY Unique geographical ID, for more details see … #> 4 COUNTRY VARCHAR English name for the country #> 5 COUNTRYCODE VARCHAR(3) ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes #> 6 ADM_AREA_1 VARCHAR First-level administrative country subdivision #> 7 ADM_AREA_2 VARCHAR Second-level administrative country subdivision #> 8 ADM_AREA_3 VARCHAR Third-level administrative country subdivision #> 9 ADM_AREA_3 VARCHAR Third-level administrative country subdivision #> 10 C1_SCHOOL_CLOSING INT Record closings of schools and universities #> # … with 37 more rows #> #> $country_statistics #> # A tibble: 8 x 3 #> Name `Data type` Description #> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 SOURCE VARCHAR Data source #> 2 YEAR INT Day of the statistics #> 3 GID ARRAY Unique geographical ID, for more details see GADM #> 4 COUNTRY VARCHAR English name for the country #> 5 COUNTRYCO… VARCHAR(3) ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes #> 6 ADM_LEVEL VARCHAR Aggregation level, 0 for World Bank and Integrated Val… #> 7 SAMPLESIZE VARCHAR Number of questions for Integrated Value Survey, -1 fo… #> 8 PROPERTIES VARCHAR Dictionary containing the region/country statistics. F… #> #> $mobility #> # A tibble: 17 x 3 #> Name `Data type` Description #> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 SOURCE VARCHAR Data source #> 2 DATE DATE Day of the statistics #> 3 GID ARRAY Unique geographical ID, for more details see GADM #> 4 COUNTRY VARCHAR English name for the country #> 5 COUNTRYCODE VARCHAR(3) ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes #> 6 ADM_AREA_1 VARCHAR First-level administrative country subdivision #> 7 ADM_AREA_2 VARCHAR Second-level administrative country subdivision #> 8 ADM_AREA_3 VARCHAR Third-level administrative country subdivision #> 9 TRANSIT_STAT… FLOAT Mobility trends reported by Google for places like… #> 10 RESIDENTIAL FLOAT Mobility trends reported by Google for places of r… #> 11 WORKPLACE FLOAT Mobility trends reported by Google for places of w… #> 12 PARKS FLOAT Mobility trends reported by Google for places like… #> 13 RETAIL_RECRE… FLOAT Mobility trends reported Google for places like re… #> 14 GROCERY_FARM… FLOAT Mobility trends reported by Google for places like… #> 15 TRANSIT FLOAT The change in volume reported by Apple of people t… #> 16 WALKING FLOAT The change in volume reported by Apple of people w… #> 17 DRIVING FLOAT The change in volume reported by Apple of people d… #> #> $weather #> # A tibble: 36 x 3 #> Name `Data type` Description #> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 DATE DATE Day of the statistics #> 2 GID VARCHAR Unique geographical ID, for more details se… #> 3 COUNTRY VARCHAR English name for the country #> 4 COUNTRYCODE VARCHAR(3) ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes #> 5 PRECIP_MAX_AVG FLOAT Average of the daily maximum precipitation #> 6 PRECIP_MAX_STD FLOAT Standard deviation of the daily maximum pre… #> 7 PRECIP_MEAN_AVG FLOAT Average of the daily mean precipitation #> 8 PRECIP_MEAN_STD FLOAT Standard deviation of the daily mean precip… #> 9 SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY_M… FLOAT Average of the daily maximum specific humid… #> 10 SPECIFIC_HUMIDITY_M… FLOAT Standard deviation of the daily maximum spe… #> # … with 26 more rows #> #> $administrative_division #> # A tibble: 15 x 3 #> Name `Data type` Description #> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 GID VARCHAR Unique geographical ID, for more details see … #> 2 COUNTRY VARCHAR English name for the country #> 3 COUNTRYCODE VARCHAR(3) ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes #> 4 COUNTRYCODE_ALPH… VARCHAR ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes #> 5 ADM_AREA_1 VARCHAR First-level administrative country subdivision #> 6 ADM_AREA_1_CODE VARCHAR First-level administrative country code subdiv… #> 7 ADM_AREA_2 VARCHAR Second-level administrative country subdivision #> 8 ADM_AREA_2_CODE VARCHAR Second-level administrative country code subdi… #> 9 ADM_AREA_3 VARCHAR Third-level administrative country subdivision #> 10 ADM_AREA_3_CODE VARCHAR Third-level administrative country code subdiv… #> 11 ADM_LEVEL INTEGER 0 - for countries level, 1 - for regions etc. #> 12 LATITUDE FLOAT Geographic coordinate of region's centroid #> 13 LONGTITUDE FLOAT Geographic coordinate of region's centroid #> 14 PROPERTIES JSON Additional attributes describing region #> 15 GEOMETRY GEOMETRY Polygon describing geographical area #>