Calculate infection fatality rate (IFR), infection hospitalisation rate, and hospitalisation fatality rate (HFR) from Philippines data




A data.frame of cases data pulled from the Philippines COVID-19 Data Drop.


A data.frame with calculated IHR, IFR, and HFR by age group structure consistent with CoMo model data structure requirements.


df <- ph_get_cases()
#> Getting information on Google Drive directory structure of the DoH Data Drop for latest available data up to 2020-06-23.
ph_calculate_rates(df = df)
#> # A tibble: 21 x 8 #> age_category deaths deathsAdmitted admissions cases ifr ihr hfr #> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 0-5 y.o. 14 7 93 579 0.0242 0.161 0.0753 #> 2 5-10 y.o. 3 2 32 372 0.00806 0.0860 0.0625 #> 3 10-15 y.o. 2 2 41 558 0.00358 0.0735 0.0488 #> 4 15-20 y.o. 9 9 104 895 0.0101 0.116 0.0865 #> 5 20-25 y.o. 4 3 355 2640 0.00152 0.134 0.00845 #> 6 25-30 y.o. 21 7 591 4097 0.00513 0.144 0.0118 #> 7 30-35 y.o. 13 7 689 4175 0.00311 0.165 0.0102 #> 8 35-40 y.o. 34 21 503 3127 0.0109 0.161 0.0417 #> 9 40-45 y.o. 50 35 453 2804 0.0178 0.162 0.0773 #> 10 45-50 y.o. 55 34 521 2674 0.0206 0.195 0.0653 #> # … with 11 more rows